Laserfiche's NetSuite connector lets you use a Laserfiche process to insert, retrieve, look up, delete, and update data in your NetSuite account (NetSuite On-Demand Application Suite, and NetSuite OneWorld Global ERP). You can integrate on-premise and legacy solutions with NetSuite. Integrating with NetSuite consists of web service calls using an XML request and response made over an HTTPS connection.
SuiteTalk SOAP-based web services API
The NetSuite connector uses the SuiteTalk SOAP-based web services API to move data into and out of your NetSuite account. It also simplifies working with the API by:
- Making it easy to work with custom fields. When using the Query action, you can use NetSuite's search criteria for objects (including multi-select customizations) by referencing custom fields. Query filters for RecordRef or List fields include CustomLists and Multiselect fields. You also have options to disable mandatory custom field validation and system notes for custom fields.
- Retrieving and providing the text values for list-type fields and internal IDs when querying. For example, it is easier to add query filters to retrieve a custom list of items from inventory.
- Streamlining how multi-select and select references to objects are handled by using comma-delimited values. When defining Parameter Values, you can enter a comma-delimited list in the Static Value field.
- Improving performance when inserting or updating large sets of documents by grouping them into batches.
Standard and Custom Record Types
The NetSuite connector exposes all standard and custom record types available in your NetSuite account. You can browse the list and import the records you want to work with. This lets you with to automatically generate the request and response XML profiles, including all standard and custom fields (except custom segments). However, if you later modify the record type in NetSuite, such as adding or renaming a custom field, you must reimport the record to update the connector operation. The reimport is required because the operation component caches the NetSuite internal metadata about the record type, such as NetSuite data types and custom field script IDs, to facilitate the interaction.