Grant Management
Laserfiche This process facilitates the pre-award steps involved in the grant application process. Once the Notice of Intent to Submit, Proposal Data Sheet and Financial Disclosure forms are submitted, they are routed to research administration staff for a compliance review, and then to the department chair for approval. The proposal forms and documents are saved to the repository and the investigators notified of the decision. If approved, the research administration staff will assemble and submit the grant application and log the information in the grant application form. The application documents are then saved and investigators notified of progress. If Just-in-Time (JIT) materials are required, the research administration staff will be routed a form to collect and confirm JIT submission, and the form and JIT materials will be saved into the repository.
This process facilitates the pre-award steps involved in the grant application process. Once the Notice of Intent to Submit, Proposal Data Sheet and Financial Disclosure forms are submitted, they are routed to research administration staff for a compliance review, and then to the department chair for approval. The proposal forms and documents are saved to the repository and the investigators notified of the decision. If approved, the research administration staff will assemble and submit the grant application and log the information in the grant application form. The application documents are then saved and investigators notified of progress. If Just-in-Time (JIT) materials are required, the research administration staff will be routed a form to collect and confirm JIT submission, and the form and JIT materials will be saved into the repository.