Thank you to Bryan Independent School District for this business process submission. It has been edited to be provided as a generic version.
This process allows users to submit requests for software support to the system administrator and then for the system administrator to respond to the request. The administrator has the option to route this form to another administrator if further follow up action is required.The administrator's response to the request is emailed to the initiator and the completed form is saved to the repository. This template was designed for internal software support requests for Laserfiche software.
Laserfiche Administrator: Reviews and fulfills the support request
Employee: Submits the support request form
Laserfiche Repository
Completed request forms are saved under the path: Business Process Library\Laserfiche Support Request Forms\[/dataset/Type_of_Request].
Laserfiche is the leading global provider of intelligent content management and business process automation. The Laserfiche® platform enables organizations in more than 80 countries to transform into digital businesses. Customers in every industry—including government, education, financial services and manufacturing—use Laserfiche® to boost productivity, scale their business and deliver digital-first customer experiences.