Invoice Processing Automation
Invoice Processing Automation
Effortlessly capture and process both hard copy and electronic invoices into Laserfiche.
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Effortlessly capture and process both hard copy and electronic invoices into Laserfiche.
Reduce the time you spend manually processing invoices by eliminating laborious data entry, automatically flagging exceptions and routing invoices to approvers with EzeScan’s seamless integration with Laserfiche. With advanced automated data capture, EzeScan delivers the fastest, most cost-effective method available for you to automatically capture and process both hard copy and electronic invoices into Laserfiche. Effortlessly capture invoices from hard copy scanners or digital born invoices via email or imported from a folder. EzeScan automatically extracts business critical information such as invoice number, invoice date and supplier name. Intelligent capture technology allows EzeScan to automatically detect values from any location on your invoices. With only one EzeScan job you can capture your selected invoice data values from all your vendor invoices without having to maintain multiple templates. By limiting the number of keystrokes or eliminating them altogether, EzeScan can deliver impressive productivity gains. Invoice data is automatically validated using database lookups to Laserfiche to perform tasks such as validating suppliers, open purchase orders against a supplier and to return associated supplier information. Duplicate or mismatched invoices are flagged for human attention. Create custom workflows to automate the routing of invoices from your accounts team to designated approvers. EzeScan Line Items Module enables automated data extraction and processing for line item data on invoices, purchase orders, and other financial documents. The module is designed to streamline the capture, processing, and management of line item data, helping to improve accuracy and reduce manual data entry. Line item data is extracted automatically using optical character recognition (OCR) technology. The software can recognize different types of line item data, including product codes, descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and total amounts. Benefits: - Automatically capture and process invoices from multiple sources including email, E-Invoice or scanned hardcopy. - Reduce the costs, errors and time associated with manual invoice processing. - Apply multiple exception rules. e.g. Invalid supplier, invalid or no order number, duplicate invoice, bank details mismatch. - Convert invoices to text searchable PDF’s from scanned invoices or email attachments. - Automatically manage approval workflows and route exceptions for review. - Pay your suppliers on time and avoid late payment fees. - Improve visibility and control of your AP Workflow and overall financial position. - High-volume and low volume deployment options to suit your organization’s needs
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Records Management
EzeScan is a research and development company specializing in document capture and business process digitization. Our products enable users to reduce the cost and time of deploying document and information capture solutions for unstructured, semi-structured and structured documents from a variety of sources including hardcopy or digitally born information including email.
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Records Management
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