Laserfiche Resources Navigation Page
Laserfiche Resources Navigation Page
Westbank First Nation
By Chad Rota
Hosts all of your Laserfiche internal and external forms and navigation in a one-stop portal
Hosts all of your Laserfiche internal and external forms and navigation in a one-stop portal
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As more and more internal processes are created and launched through Laserfiche Forms, keeping track of links to access all starting forms became challenging. A simple starting form with dynamic checkboxes and HTML boxes loaded with relevant links powers the rest. Basic HTMLs are configured to create interactive branding, including icons jumping to other locations, such as the Westbank First Nation official website and mapping system. Using design features in Laserfiche Forms to hide the submit button, we provide a starting form that is intuitive, clean and easy-to-use with our organization logos and branding colors. The bottom tagline creates a new browser to our official website while the top logo accesses to our Intranet. Apart from hosting starting forms, we have a section for frequently requested documents and policies loaded using Laserfiche Weblink. A troubleshooting section is created for error messages or log-in issues. Additional feature like tips and tricks for searching within Laserfiche is also available! This resources navigation page has been our organization’s go to for accessing all starting forms, Laserfiche Forms inbox and other staff resources all from one simple internet link.
Information Technology
Cloud Template Content
Business Process1
Self-Hosted Template Content
Laserfiche Resources Navigation Page
Westbank First Nation
Chad has been with Westbank First Nation (WFN) since 2009. He was tasked to lead the business process automation (BPA) projects after records digitization. Chad is passionate at exploring new ways to utilize the tools and features to continuously enhance all BPA modules to benefit WFN.
Information Technology
Cloud Template Content
Business Process1
Self-Hosted Template Content
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