Flexible Contract Management System
Flexible Contract Management System
A Contract Management Process built for Intake Specialists that dynamically establishes who to route contract approvals to while utilizing a set of general contract information to prefill any contract template loaded into it by the process designer.
A Contract Management Process built for Intake Specialists that dynamically establishes who to route contract approvals to while utilizing a set of general contract information to prefill any contract template loaded into it by the process designer.
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This system was designed by Laserfiche to meet more flexible needs than our standard Contract Management System template and our customer-contributed Contract Approval Process template. The Flexible Contract Management System allows for a process designer to add any contract that they would like and to use the base contract in the template to customize the fields desired to be automatically populated by a Laserfiche form. One business process can support multiple different contract templates resulting in one simple, easy-to-use form to initiate new contracts internally. Then an Intake Specialist can receive the various requests and customize the review process tailored to different approval needs, dynamically changing the number of approvers, who is approving, and in what order. The process is simplified to these steps: - Contract Intake Form Submission - Contract Intake Specialist Review - Pre-legal Approval - Legal Review - Post-legal Approval - Optional Signing and Archival
Approvers: Any Laserfiche-authenticated user can support the CMS forms process as an approver. Access to the repository is governed by the Managers and Staff.
Managers: Higher privilege users that have manager access to the process and secure contracts.
Staff: Basic users that will interact with the process at any point, but do not have manager access (they facilitate the process, and see secure contracts)
Additional Considerations
Forms Professional: This solution is only available for Forms Professional users.
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