Laserfiche to DocuSign
Laserfiche to DocuSign
Experience the power of digital signatures from DocuSign woven effortlessly into Laserfiche, streamlining workflows & enhancing efficiency.
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Experience the power of digital signatures from DocuSign woven effortlessly into Laserfiche, streamlining workflows & enhancing efficiency.
This Velosimo off the shelf connector is explicitly built to the government use cases involving Cityworks and Laserfiche’s concurrent use. The easy, no-code administrative interface provides quick setup and updates to field mappings and other settings and deep insight into all interactive transactions between the two products. With Velosimo, agencies have peace of mind in predicable and foolproof interoperability of their systems, including smart recovery from connected systems outages and continuity through future systems upgrades. Our no-code connectors are designed for ease of use and help agencies deliver a connected and uninterrupted experience for staff and citizens. Our automated assignment, routing, and final document archiving functionalities enable a fully automated end-to-end review and signature process. Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and hello to a modern, uninterrupted experience for both your staff and customers. Features: • Utilize existing Laserfiche processes and incorporate DocuSign signatures into workflows, forms, and document repository functions • Automated routing to staff and customers for signatures • Easily set trigger points to send documents or forms for signatures within Laserfiche administration tools • The final, signed document is automatically uploaded to the designated location in the document repository in Laserfiche • Take advantage of signatures and stamps using DocuSign tools for citizen and staff signing needs • Easily update or add new documents and flows without programmin
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Records Management
Velosimo Connect is a cloud-based integration platform as a service (iPaaS) specific to government software and use, connecting software systems quickly and seamlessly. We provide off-the-shelf, no-code, purpose-built connectors for the explicit use and interoperability of two solutions, delivering predictable, consistent, and foolproof interoperability.
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Records Management
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