Laserfiche Cloud DocuSign Integration
Laserfiche Cloud DocuSign Integration
CTaccess, Inc
Send and sign forms from Laserfiche Cloud using DocuSign's trusted electronic signature technology.
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Send and sign forms from Laserfiche Cloud using DocuSign's trusted electronic signature technology.
This DocuSign integration will allow users to send a Laserfiche form for signature through Laserfiche’s Business Process or through a Workflow activity. Whether you need signatures on contracts, agreements, or internal documents, this powerful integration ensures secure and efficient signatures with DocuSign. By using this CTaccess built and tested solution, you can: - Send Laserfiche forms to be signed via DocuSign after submission. - Automatically route Docu-Signed forms back to Laserfiche for storage and further processing. - Leverage DocuSign’s industry-leading security features to ensure your documents are signed securely. - Have someone to provide support if problems arise. - Know that this pre-built solution can be customized to your specific needs. - Confidence in working with a trusted partner
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Records Management
CTaccess, Inc. has been building Laserfiche solutions for over 25 years. We specialize organizations leverage the power of Laserfiche to create digital transformation. Our deep experience and commitment to serving our customers creates a defining difference in providing Laserfiche solutions.
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