IRISXtract™ is an innovative document capture platform powered by an AI-based document classification engine. It’s data extraction approach is based on a free-form (template free), and full-text approach allowing IRISXtract™ to understand a document the same way a human would (including documents it has not seen before).
Please contact us for pricing information via our web page.
Product Release Date: 10/1/2020
Product Edition: V.1.0.0
Languages Supported: 138+ languages (English, French, German, Spanish…)
Required Laserfiche Products: Laserfiche Real Time SDK
IRIS builds software to capture data, automate processes, manage content and transform unstructured information into ready to use, easy to archive and easy to share data.
Product Release Date: 10/1/2020
Product Edition: V.1.0.0
Languages Supported: 138+ languages (English, French, German, Spanish…)
Required Laserfiche Products: Laserfiche Real Time SDK